Matthew J Evans – Author
Perseverance and passion

Perseverance and Passion Pays

Starting a novel is easy, but finishing it requires perseverance, dedication, and hard work. Many writers have experienced the thrill of starting a new project, full of excitement and enthusiasm, only to hit a wall halfway through and give up. However, if you want to be a successful writer, you must develop the habit of perseverance and push through those challenging times to complete your novel.

Plotters and Pantsers

Some people prefer to write by the seat of their pants, and others prefer to plot everything in meticulous detail. While it’s helpful to have a plan and a clear idea of where you’re going, it’s not always necessary to have everything mapped out in advance. In fact, sometimes the joy of writing comes from exploring the unknown and discovering new things about your story as you go. If you’re passionate about your writing, it can be a powerful motivator to keep pushing forward, even when you’re not sure where your story is headed.

Of course, even if you’re not following a strict plan, it’s still important to have some sense of structure and direction. You should at least know the general premise of your story, the key characters and their motivations, and the themes you want to explore. As you write, you can refine and revise your ideas, but having a basic foundation to start from can be helpful.

Routines and Goals

Another key to finishing a novel is to establish a writing routine. Writing consistently, even just a little bit every day, will help you make progress and keep your momentum going. You might find that setting a specific time each day to write is helpful, or that you work best in longer blocks of time on the weekends. Whatever works best for you, make it a habit and stick to it.

It’s also essential to set small goals and celebrate your successes along the way. You might aim to write a certain number of words each day or complete a chapter by the end of the week. When you meet these goals, take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge your progress. Celebrating these small wins can help keep you motivated and moving forward.

Know Your Supporters and Your Enemy

Finding a support system is also important. Writing can be a lonely and isolating process, so it’s crucial to have friends, family, or a writing group that can offer encouragement and feedback. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your writing and can offer constructive criticism when necessary.

Finally, remember that perfection is the enemy of progress. It’s easy to get bogged down in revisions and self-doubt, but the key is to keep moving forward. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or to write poorly. Just keep writing and trust that the editing process will help you refine your work.

In conclusion, starting a novel may be easy, but finishing it requires perseverance, dedication, and hard work. Whether you prefer to plan every detail in advance or dive in with a sense of passion and exploration, the key to finishing a novel is staying committed to your craft and your story. By establishing a writing routine, setting small goals, finding a support system, and keeping in mind that progress is more important than perfection, you can complete your novel and achieve your writing dreams.

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