Matthew J Evans – Author
Writer: Writing as a Reader

Writing as a Reader – Crafting Stories from All We Enjoy Reading

As writers, we often find ourselves diving headfirst into the worlds we create on paper, allowing our imaginations to flow freely and construct intricate tapestries of words. Yet, what if I told you that the foundation of every word we write is rooted in our role as readers? It’s an undeniable truth that to be a skilled writer, one must first be an avid reader. In this blog post, we’ll explore the symbiotic relationship between reading and writing, the importance of writing what you enjoy reading, and the liberating experience of venturing beyond your literary comfort zone.

Reading as the Cornerstone of Writing

Every book we read is an opportunity to glean insights into the craft of writing. Think of reading as a treasure trove of techniques, styles, and perspectives waiting to be discovered. As a reader, you develop an intuitive understanding of pacing, character development, dialogue, and world-building. This knowledge forms the backbone of your writing endeavours.

Writing What You Enjoy Reading

The magic of writing often begins with a deep appreciation for a particular genre, style, or theme. It’s not merely about emulating what’s popular; it’s about identifying what resonates with you on a personal level. When you write about subjects that genuinely excite you, your passion shines through your words, creating a connection with readers who share your enthusiasm. Don’t be afraid to indulge in your preferred genres; after all, your readers will sense your authenticity and enthusiasm. Likewise, there is a lot to be gained from reading widely, to be challenged by different writing styles to what you are used to.

Ignoring the Naysayers, Embracing the Process

Writing is a deeply personal journey. It’s not uncommon for well-meaning individuals to offer unsolicited advice or critique. While constructive feedback is valuable, it’s crucial not to let others’ opinions stifle your creative voice. Remember, no one knows your story better than you do. Embrace the writing process as a chance to explore, experiment, and refine your voice. Revel in the joy of creating rather than conforming to external expectations.

Venturing Beyond Comfort

As writers, it’s easy to stick within the realms of familiarity, writing stories that align with our comfort zones. However, true growth occurs when we dare to explore uncharted territories. I’m currently embarking on a literary journey that takes me far from my accustomed domain of police procedural crime fiction. It’s in these unexplored realms that our creativity flourishes, leading to unexpected and exciting narratives.

In conclusion, the art of writing is a dance between the reader and the writer within us. Being a reader first equips us with the tools and instincts to craft compelling stories. Writing what we love to read infuses our work with genuine passion while embracing the writing process grants us the freedom to explore our creative depths. As you embark on your writing journey, remember that it’s okay to step outside your comfort zone and let your imagination unfurl its wings. After all, the pages you write today could become the worlds readers cherish tomorrow.

If you ever want to invest in an online writing course, then I would strongly recommend the course by Lee Child on BBC Maestro. He is a strong advocate for writers being firstly readers. He states that he reads 200 books a year!




