Matthew J Evans – Author

Tag: writing

  • So You Want to Become a Writer

    So You Want to Become a Writer

    I often hear people say they’d love to write a book one day. How hard can it be? That was me a few years ago. Perhaps it’s the allure of crafting worlds with words or a harmless way to play out their fantasies. Whether it’s penning crime novels that keep readers on the edge of…

  • Writing as a Reader – Crafting Stories from All We Enjoy Reading

    Writing as a Reader – Crafting Stories from All We Enjoy Reading

    As writers, we often find ourselves diving headfirst into the worlds we create on paper, allowing our imaginations to flow freely and construct intricate tapestries of words. Yet, what if I told you that the foundation of every word we write is rooted in our role as readers? It’s an undeniable truth that to be…

  • Editing Your Story

    Editing Your Story

    Introduction Firstly, I’m assuming you are considering editing your book yourself. But even if you are sending your work to an editor, following the process in this blog post will save them time and your money. There is no substitute for a professional editor, but if you are strapped for cash, then this article will…

  • Perseverance and Passion Pays

    Perseverance and Passion Pays

    Starting a novel is easy, but finishing it requires perseverance, dedication, and hard work. Many writers have experienced the thrill of starting a new project, full of excitement and enthusiasm, only to hit a wall halfway through and give up. However, if you want to be a successful writer, you must develop the habit of…

  • Crime Writing Course

    Crime Writing Course

    This weekend, 14th February 2023, I will be attending the last part of a crime writing course at West Dean College near Chichester, and I couldn’t be more excited about it. The course will be led by two renowned authors, Lesley Thomson and Elly Griffiths. They are both experts in their fields and have written…

  • Writing Tools

    Writing Tools

    Writing Tools – Introduction When talking about writing tools, some people tell me they prefer old-fashioned paper and pen to write their novels. Paper never crashes or catches viruses that wipe your work. You can usually recover your manuscript after you’ve poured a cup of coffee over it, too. Personally, I only use paper and…

  • Writing is an Addiction

    Writing is an Addiction

    I have an addiction to writing. In the back of my mind, I have to be writing if I’m to call myself a writer. It’s as simple as that. I have recently finished writing Take You Home, the third book in my Detective Inspector Angelis Trilogy. As soon as I wrote the last words to…

  • Being a Sussex Crime Writer

    Being a Sussex Crime Writer

    West Sussex author Matthew J Evans talks about writing his crime novels. I am proud to say that I’m a crime author and have published two novels in the Detective Inspector Angelis series: ‘Chasing Shadows’ and ‘Hide Her Away’. I’m thrilled that both have been well received. They fall within the genre of police procedural…