Matthew J Evans – Author

Category: Article

  • Police Procedurals: Navigating Crime Fiction

    Police Procedurals: Navigating Crime Fiction

    Crime fiction offers readers a multitude of subgenres, each with unique appeal and characteristics. My books, including The Dead Beneath Us and Upon Dark Waters (publishing 2024) are police procedurals. They hold a special place among these for their gritty realism and intricate detailing of law enforcement processes. Understanding the nuances that set police procedurals…

  • Police Interview Method: Reality and Fiction

    Police Interview Method: Reality and Fiction

    In the shadowy corridors of crime fiction, the image of a police detective grilling a suspect in a dimly lit room often makes for gripping drama. However, the reality of preparing for an interview is far removed from the oppressive and argumentative tactics we’ve come to expect from our favourite detective stories. Let’s step into…

  • A Sense of Place – Where My Stories Come From

    A Sense of Place – Where My Stories Come From

    As an author who’s spent a lot of time conversing with imaginary friends (also known as story characters), I occasionally speak to real human beings about my writing. I’ve often been asked how I get the ideas for my stories. Is it a lightning bolt of inspiration? A secret recipe? Or do I have secret…

  • Self-Publishing


    So, why do I choose to self-publish? Traditional publishers, like any other business, need to make a profit to survive. For commercial reasons, these venture capitalists must back a winning horse. An outsider is an unknown risk. They publish a set number of authors each year, and they’re going to choose dead certs and only…

  • Writing as a Reader – Crafting Stories from All We Enjoy Reading

    Writing as a Reader – Crafting Stories from All We Enjoy Reading

    As writers, we often find ourselves diving headfirst into the worlds we create on paper, allowing our imaginations to flow freely and construct intricate tapestries of words. Yet, what if I told you that the foundation of every word we write is rooted in our role as readers? It’s an undeniable truth that to be…

  • Editing Your Story

    Editing Your Story

    Introduction Firstly, I’m assuming you are considering editing your book yourself. But even if you are sending your work to an editor, following the process in this blog post will save them time and your money. There is no substitute for a professional editor, but if you are strapped for cash, then this article will…

  • Perseverance and Passion Pays

    Perseverance and Passion Pays

    Starting a novel is easy, but finishing it requires perseverance, dedication, and hard work. Many writers have experienced the thrill of starting a new project, full of excitement and enthusiasm, only to hit a wall halfway through and give up. However, if you want to be a successful writer, you must develop the habit of…

  • Navigating Writer’s Block and Fostering Creativity

    Navigating Writer’s Block and Fostering Creativity

    Writer’s block and feeling uninspired are common challenges that many writers face. I certainly have faced days and weeks of frustration, not knowing what to write, leading me to feelings of self-doubt. However, these hurdles don’t indicate a decline in writing skill. In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies to overcome writer’s block and foster…

  • Writing Tools

    Writing Tools

    Writing Tools – Introduction When talking about writing tools, some people tell me they prefer old-fashioned paper and pen to write their novels. Paper never crashes or catches viruses that wipe your work. You can usually recover your manuscript after you’ve poured a cup of coffee over it, too. Personally, I only use paper and…

  • New Detective

    New Detective

    For the last few months, I have been developing a new detective. My earlier Angelis books have been a combination of procedural crime fiction and supernatural/fantastic fiction. I’ve come to a natural pause with those Angelis stories now. Therefore, the time to write something new has come. I have created a new detective, and the…

  • Book Covers – The DI Angelis Series

    Book Covers – The DI Angelis Series

    I designed most of my book covers myself, with the help and feedback of my daughters. Book covers are terribly important. People definitely judge a book by its cover. If it looks awful, no one’s going to give it a second thought. One of the golden rules I was taught as an independent author was…

  • My Writing Journey – So Far

    My Writing Journey – So Far

    I took the still from my dash camera while driving my Morris Minor. I had just narrowly avoided hitting deer that had unexpectedly run out before me. Journeys can take many unexpected twists and dramatic turns. My writing journey has had its risks, fraught with self-doubt. Am I going the right way? Am I too…